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Everyday Realities

Russian-Speaking Jews in German Immigrant Society

This German language publication by Karen Körber focuses on the history and present of Jews in Germany since 1989. At the center is a study, conducted both quantitatively and qualitatively, in which young Russian-speaking Jews talk about their relationship to Germany and Israel, as well as about cultures of remembrance shaped by their families. It is also about their experiences as Russians and Jews in German immigrant society, social advancement and discrimination.

They also discuss their understanding of Judaism, of predominantly secular lifestyles and of the search for religion, as well as old and new forms of Jewish communalization. While these narratives testify to a change in Jewish life in Germany, Andreas Gotmann shows through a historically comparative examination of the special conditions of Jewish post-war society in Germany that long-time residents and newly immigrated Jews may share more with one another than they had previously thought.

Dr. Karen Körber is on the academic staff of the Institute for the History of the German Jews (Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden, IGdJ), Hamburg. She was a fellow at the Jewish Museum Berlin from 2012 to 2014.

Prof. Dr Andreas Gotzmann teaches Jewish Studies at the University of Erfurt with a special focus on Jewish religious and cultural history.


  • Lebenswirklichkeiten. Russischsprachige Juden in der deutschen Einwanderungsgesellschaft
    (Everyday Realities. Russian-Speaking Jews in German Immigrant Society)
    (Schriften des Jüdischen Museums Berlin, vol. 5) 
    278 pages
    Open Access & Hardcover
    Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
    Göttingen 2021
    ISBN: 978-3-525-30197-5
    In German only
  • Authors Dr. Karen Körber with Prof. Dr. Andreas Gotzmann
  • Design textformart
  • Price 50 € (Hardcover)
    The volume is also accessible as an electronic open access edition in the V&R eLibrary

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