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Preview of Guided Tours and Children’s Program from April to June 2013

Press Information

Press Release, Mon 18 Mar 2013

Passover, the "Feast of Unleavened Bread", is one of the most important and fun family festivals of the Jewish religion. This year it falls from 26 March to 2 April. During a stroll through the exhibition and the modelling clay workshop that follows, children learn about the biblical Passover story, the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, and the end of slavery. Children have the chance to try this special bread at the matzah baking session in the Jewish Museum Garden. On 29 May, school students from the Jewish Museum Berlin partner schools will open the exhibition they designed themselves. As part of the project "Diversity in Schools", the school students have explored different dimensions of time. Over a period of four days, they will present their ideas and realizations for the first time at the Jewish Museum Berlin.


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Jewish Museum Berlin Foundation
Lindenstraße 9–14
10969 Berlin

Guided Tours Through the Special Exhibition "Bedřich Fritta. Drawings from the Theresienstadt Ghetto"

Art or Document?

Tour with the Curators

The tour provides insights into the phenomenon of artistic creation at the Theresienstadt ghetto and into the art of Bedřich Fritta.

Fritta led the drawing studio where imprisoned artists had to work on behalf of the SS. They used this official task as a cover for their “illegal” work. Based on selected examples, the curators will discus the artistic and aesthetic strategies used to represent everyday ghetto life in Fritta’s unofficial drawings.

When: 6 June, 7 pm

Duration: approx. 2 hours

Meeting Point: Libeskind Building, basement, Eric F. Ross Gallery

Bookings on tel. +49 (0)30 259 93 488 or

Public Tours for Adults


11 am: Jewish Life and Traditions

3 pm: Through the Museum in Seven League Boots


11 am: Jewish Life and Traditions

2 pm: The Whole Truth

3 pm: Start of the Modern Age

All tours are in German unless stated otherwise.

Duration: approx. 1 hour

Cost: 3 € plus admission fee (permanent exhibition: 5 €, reduced rate 2.50 €; special exhibition: 4 €, reduced rate 2 euros)

Please gather at the “Meeting Point” in the foyer on ground level of the Old Building

Further information and tour bookings on tel. +49 (0)30 25993 305 or

Public Tours for Children

Modeling Clay Fun!

Children’s Tour with Modeling Clay Workshop (6 to 12 Years)

In spring, Christians celebrate Easter and Jews Passover. Our short tour through the exhibition leads us to the Children’s Island. Here the children learn how Passover is celebrated today. A small exhibition with colorful clay figures tells the biblical story of Passover.

Then each child can make a model of his or her favorite food for the festive dinner table, since at Passover you meet friends and relatives and eat delicious food just like at Easter. Bread, spaghetti or eggs? We are looking forward to the feast!

When: 4 April, 11 am

Duration: approx. 2 hours

Cost: 3 euros

Halakah and Braided Bread – What goes into the Shabbat Basket?

Children’s Tour through the Permanent Exhibition

How did a Jewish merchant live 300 years ago? What did she pack in her suitcase when she went traveling? A prayer book, clothes, or even a mobile phone? On this stroll through the exhibition, our young visitors take a playful look at Jewish traditions and how they have changed in the course of the centuries. They have fun experiencing how it feels to wear a kippah, admire a real scroll, and sniff a besamim box full of spices.

When: 7 April, 5 May and 2 June at 11 am

Duration: approx. 1 hour

In the Matzah Bakery (5 to 11 Years)

Children’s Tour with Matzah Baking

Passover is one of the most important and fun family festivals of the Jewish religion. It is called the "Feast of Unleavened Bread" and lasts for eight days.

The children’s tour tells the story of Passover, of the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, and of the end of slavery. The children also learn how the festival is still traditionally celebrated today and why it lasts for eight days. During this time you eat only unleavened bread, so-called matzah. The children can try this special bread at the matzah baking: in the Museum Garden, the children prepare the dough and bake the matzah in the traditional clay oven on a wood fire.

When: 14 April, 11 am

Duration: approx. 2 hours

Cost: 3 euros

The Crazy Crooked House

Daniel Libeskind For Children

Why are the walls at the Jewish Museum Berlin slanted? Why is there a staircase that leads nowhere? Why don’t flowers blossom in the garden? Tailored to their age group, our young visitors receive a fun introduction to the architecture of Daniel Libeskind. Afterwards they can create their very own crazy fantasy house with cardboard, modeling clay, and other arts and crafts materials.

When: 21 April, 19 May and 16 June at 11 am

Duration: approx. 2 hrs

Further Children’s Events

In Times of Diversity ...

Exhibition Opening with School Students

Students of the B. Traven High School, the Hermann Hesse School, and the Ernst Schering School present an exhibition they have designed themselves. The partner schools of the Jewish Museum Berlin project "Diversity in Schools" have explored different dimensions of time and will present them in the form of striking, creative exhibits. The exhibition can be viewed until 1.6.

When: 29 May, 2 pm

Duration: approx. 2 hours

Admission free

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