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List of Fees

for the Reading Room of our Library and our Archive


Scan (on own USB-Stick) free of charge
Photocopy/Computer printout 0,10 €, A4
Photocopy of a mircrofilm/-fliche 0,25 € for A4
0,50 € for A3

Books from the Rare Book Library and the Rare Book Depot can only be processed by order.

Reproduction assignments

Processing 5,00 €
Scan 0,10 €
Rara-Scan 0,20 €
Photocopy in color 0,50 €
Photocopy of a microfilm/-fiche 0,50 € for A4
1,00 € for A3


Creation of a DVD 2,00 €
Dispatch 3,00 €
Dispatch digitally free of charge

Reproductions of archive-materials are categorically not allowed and may only be assigned in agreement with the archive department (see Terms of Use § 3).

In case you need reproductions for publication, please address Valeska Wolfgram and Birgit Maurer-Porat (Tel.: +49 (0)30 259 93 433, E-Mail:, who will give you information about the costs and conditions of reproduction.

View into the aisle between two rows of bookshelves in a library

The Library of the Jewish Museum Berlin

Landing Page
Our Library: Books, films, and more about Jewish art, culture, and history
Library Catalog (OPAC)
Our Collections: collection fields at a glance
Information for Visitors
Reading Room: Opening hours, catalogs, databases, requesting archive material
Registration Form: Register to view rare holdings from our library and documents from our archive
Terms of Use: Requirements for visitors to the archive and library of the Jewish Museum Berlin
Our Library’s Classification Scheme: The focuses and thematic areas according to which our collection is organized and grouped
Current page: List of Fees: Prices and rates for services at the reading room of our library and archive
Collections and Projects
Collections on Jewish Art and Culture: Volumes printed by the Soncino Society, the publications of the Centralverein, Hebrew Printing, and special collections on Jewish art and visual culture
The Artur Brauner Collection: Twenty-one films by the successful film producer
Digitizing Book Holdings: Publications of the Soncino Society of Friends of the Jewish Book, 2016
Enlarging and Indexing Our Holdings in Jewish Art: DFG Project on visual and material culture of Judaism, 2013–2018
Digital Content
Highlights from the Library Collection: A medieval manuscript, a cookbook from 1900, an elaborate Hebrew children’s book and other treasures
Digital Books: A complete list of our digitized books (in German)
Rare Digital Books: Curated selection of valuable digitized material from our holdings
Story Time in Our Library: Why Noah Chose the Dove by Isaac Bashevis Singer, 2023
“Hörmahl:” A Feast for the Ears: Podcast series about Rahel Varn­hagen, Lina Morgen­stern and other women writers, 2021–2022, in German
See also
Judaica Portal: Online database of Judaica holdings at various institutions, including our library’s holdings
Periodicals in the ZDB: Research tool for magazines, newspapers, and databases in German and Austrian libraries
Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (DDB): Our digitized publications accessible via the DDB
AG Jüdische Sammlungen: Website of the Jewish Collections working group (in German)
Library Holdings: Search engine for our online collections (in German)
Literature for Children and Young Adults

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