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Pictures Make People

A Museum Visit for People with Dementia and their Companions (in German)

Experience a cozy and inspiring after­noon in the Jewish Museum Berlin! On entry, we’ll invite you to have coffee and freshly baked challah. Challah (Hebrew for braided yeast bread) is eaten on Friday evening, which is when the Shabbat begins according to the Jewish calendar. 

Tue 11 Mar & Thu 24 Apr & Mon 12 May & Fri 13 Jun 2025, 2 pm

Map with all buildings that belong to the Jewish Museum Berlin. The Old Building is marked in green


Old Building, ground level, “Meeting Point” in the foyer
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin

While enjoying this culinary treat, we will get to know each other, handle some objects and share what Friday evening means for the partici­pants, and which bread is the most delicious.

Afterwards, we will visit the exhibition room Pictures Make People and look at three paintings from the nineteenth century together. There, we will talk about “Chess in the Salon” and “Celebrating­respectively”.

On the topic of “Chess in the Salon”, we will plunge into the Berlin of the nine­teenth century, learn about the philosopher Moses Mendels­sohn and salon culture, and question the role of the game of chess. The paintings on the topic “Celebrating” allow us to dip into a private family celebration and an extra­vagant festival.

The exhibition visit will be en­hanced with musical accents and the oppor­tunity to handle physical objects. Seating will be made available in the exhibition.

The event is being held in cooperation with the Alzheimer Gesellschaft Berlin e.V.

Collage: A beige jug with a lid is disassembled into larger individual parts. A black and gold-colored plant tendril grows from an upper part of the jug. A face appears in profile on the right-hand side (as part of the jug).

Porcelain (exhibition copy), Izhar Patkin (born 1955), USA, New York 2000, Hand drawing, watercolor, Jewish Museum Berlin, inv. no.: Deko/816/0, photo: Roman März Further information on this collage can be found in our online collections

Schwarz-weiß-rotes Schriftlogog der Alzheimer Gesellschaft e.V.
A pair of hands feeling a model of a synagogue

Accessibility at the Jewish Museum Berlin: An overview

General Information
Accessibility at the Jewish Museum Berlin: Directions, visiting the museum, audience-specific
Simple English: Information about the Jewish Museum Berlin and its website in Simple English
Gebärdensprache – Informa­tionen und Ange­bote in Deutscher Gebärden­sprache
Accessibility Statement: Information on areas in which accessibility is still lacking, options for giving feedback, and the arbitration service
Tours & Workshops
JMB App: Including audio tours, German plain language, German Sign Language, optimized for screen readers, features touching instructions for tactile paintings, and audio texts for reading along
Access Program Tours by appointment and with fixed dates

Where, when, what?

  • WhenTue 11 Mar & Thu 24 Apr & Mon 12 May & Fri 13 Jun 2025, 2 pm
  • Duration2.5 hours
  • Where Old Building, ground level, “Meeting Point” in the foyer
    Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
    See location on map
  • Entry fee

    6 €, reduced rate 3 €, accompanying person free of charge
    Reserve Online Ticket

  • InformationT +49 (0)30 259 93 305 
    Please register all participants with personal requirements.

Public Tours: Current Dates and Topics of our Guided Tours (16)

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