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Core Exhibition Team

Selfie Project for International Museum Day on 17 May 2020

Today was supposed to be the day when we would present the new core exhibition to the public for the first time. Everything is different now because of the corona pandemic. But we’re already looking forward to the day when we can present the results of our years-long work to our visitors!

Implementing such a large project requires the energies of many individuals, and together they make a large team: project leadership, curators, project assistants, trainees, student assistants, collection management, construction coordination, digital & publishing, archives, library, IT, collections, education, financing, visitor experience & research, marketing & communication, building management, photo documentation, rights management and permissions.

We’ve asked our colleagues from various domains to send us a selfie and answer the question: What are you most looking forward to in the new core exhibition?

Though we have to keep our distance from each other at the moment, we are all continuing to work together to complete the exhibition.

We look forward to seeing you as soon as possible!

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