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Café Magnétique: Cosmo­politanism and Nationa­lism

Program Accompa­nying the Exhi­bition Paris Magnétique. 1905–1940 (in German)

Cosmo­politanism is the central concept in contem­porary debates about the École de Paris. For the supporters of the “École”, the interna­tionality of the artists, its very cosmo­politanism, was proof that Paris was world leader for art. For their opponents, the term cosmo­politanism expressed the aversion to interna­tionalism and the supposed “Jewishness” they projected onto the “École”.

Past event

Map with all buildings that belong to the Jewish Museum Berlin. The W. M. Blumenthal Academy is marked in green


W. M. Blumenthal Academy,
Klaus Mangold Auditorium
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin
(Opposite the Museum)

In the second part of the event series Café Magnétique, film and literary scholar Cathy Gelbin (connected digitally) will explore the concept of cosmo­politanism in the context of European-Jewish history. Julia Friedrich, director of collections at the JMB, will then talk about the painter Otto Freundlich, whose works are exhibited both in the Paris Magnétique exhibition and the JMB’s permanent exhibition, and asks: Can one speak of a “cosmo­politan” here?

Portrait of a woman with short gray hair and gray blazer in front of a black background.

Cathy Gelbin; photo: Gesine Born

Parisian cafés functioned as places to meet people and gather together on a daily basis, and often also as a first port of call for new arrivals. They were the parlors and studies of many artists and were essential for the self-organization of migrants in a new, foreign environment: The cafés were used to establish contacts, find rooms and studios, and to prepare exhi­bitions. Famous Parisian cafés such as the Café de Dôme in Montpar­nasse were the hub of the migrant and particularly the Jewish-influenced art scene, which soon became known as the École de Paris. The Café Magnétique series revives the Parisian cafés in the Jewish Museum Berlin, inviting you to exchange ideas about the École de Paris over food and drinks.

Portrait photo of a smiling woman wearing a bright blue jumper: she looks directly into the camera.

Julia Friedrich in the Glass Courtyard of the Museum, 2022; Jewish Museum Berlin, photo: Yves Sucksdorff

Exhibition Paris Magnétique. 1905–1940: Features & Programs

Exhibition Webpage
Paris Magnétique. 1905–1940: 25 Jan to 1 May 2023
Paris Magnétique. 1905–1940: 2023, in German
Digital Content
Biographical Stops of Lou Albert-Lasard: The online platform Jewish Places
Biographical Stops of Walter Bondy: The online platform Jewish Places
Biographical Stops of Rudolf Levy: The online platform Jewish Places

Where, when, what?

  • WhenThu 23 Mar 2023, 7 pm
  • Where W. M. Blumenthal Academy,
    Klaus Mangold Auditorium
    Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin
    (Opposite the Museum)
    See location on map
  • Entry fee

    6 €, reduced rate 3 €

  • Please noteFood and drinks by eßkultur for an extra charge

    LanguageThe event will be conducted in German.

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