Highlights of the Core Exhibition
Public Tour in English

The prism showcase with Judaica in The Jewish Object theme room; Jewish Museum Berlin, photo: Roman März
The new core exhibition tells of Jewish past and present in Germany – five historical chapters and eight rooms on art and culture address the tense relationship between belonging and exclusion from the Middle Ages to the present, with a focus on the Nazi era and the years after 1945.
Saturdays, 3 pm

Old Building, ground level, “Meeting Point” in the Glass Courtyard
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
The tour offers you a first overview of the exhibition, told from a Jewish perspective by means of selected stations and objects. This journey through time picks up on polyphonic, sometimes contradictory positions.
Historical objects, media stations, video installations, and works of art from the collection invite you to follow the eventful history and learn more about what it means to be Jewish today.
Public Tours: Current Dates and Topics of our Guided Tours (16)