“Nostalgia Leads Nowhere”
Object Day Dresden: Elina Klyuchenko
“Show us your story!” – Beginning in 2017, the Jewish participants in the Object Days project have answered this invitation by recounting their migration stories.

Elina Klyuchenko, born 28 August 1962, in Luhansk, USSR (now Ukraine). In Germany since 2001.
Mechanical engineer, teaches computer and technology courses in the Dresden community.
Jewish Museum Berlin, photo: Stephan Pramme
My father gave me this set of drawing instruments with a case in 1980. I worked with the instruments as an engineer in Ukraine for fifteen years. I was always very careful with them and took them with me when we immigrated to Germany in 2001. I had high hopes that I would be able to continue practicing my profession here, but unfortunately these hopes never came true. Now the instruments are a symbol of my past life, of my job, which I liked a lot, of my hopes, which I placed in the future. But nostalgia leads nowhere. It’s not constructive to ask yourself whether you made the right decision, especially for an engineering family.
Object Days: Dresden (7)