How Does a Jew Make it into Heaven? One question, many answers
Panel Discussion (video recording available, in German)
Program director Cilly Kugelmann interviews four practicing rabbi in Germany about otherworldly and commonplace matters, about dietary laws, sin, Shabbat and all that is important in Judaism. The rabbis represent four different religious currents: Orthodox, Masorti (conservative), Hasidism, and German Reform Judaism. They will answer questions from the audience about God and the world and throw light on their perspectives of Jewish theology.
recording available

Old Building, level 2, Great Hall
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
Video recording of the panel discussion How Does a Jew Make it into Heaven? with Jona Simon, Dr. Daniel Katz, Cilly Kugelmann, Yehuda Teichtal, and Avichai Apel (left to right) on 30 May 2013,in German; Jewish Museum Berlin 2013
Avichai Apel, born in Jerusalem, rabbi to the Jewish religious community of greater Dortmund and board member of the Orthodox Rabbinical Conference Germany.
Dr. Daniel Katz, born in New York, rabbi to the Conservative Jewish community of Weiden and founding member of the General Rabbinical Conference.
Yehuda Teichtal, born in New York, rabbi to the Jewish community of Berlin and chairman of the Jewish Education Center Chabad Lubavitch, Berlin.
Jona Simon, born in Bielefeld, rabbi of the National Association of Jewish Communities of Lower Saxony.
Moderated by: Cilly Kugelmann