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Ein Mann mit Brille sitzt zwischen Schüler*innen in einem Stuhlkreis und hält erklärend eine Menora, einen Kerzenleuchter, in der Hand.

Filmstill from the video on.tour goes Jewish Places; Jewish Museum Berlin, photo: Alexander Papadopoulos

Supporting Education Together

Your Partnership Makes the Difference!

Together, the FRIENDS OF THE JMB have supported more than 150 projects since the museum opened. The museum's educational projects are particularly close to our hearts.he costs for each individual project are rising - from higher fuel prices for the on.tour bus to repairs to the ANOHA animals. 

Your donation will help the Jewish Museum Berlin (JMB) to continue its successful educational work.

What can you do?

Become a partner of our educational projects and help the JMB to continue important initiatives even in challenging times:

From 10% of your membership fee per year, you give the museum the opportunity to continue to implement important projects and make an impact in the future! Simply set up your voluntary donation here:


Thank you very much for your commitment! Together we can continue to strengthen education, diversity and dialog and the Jewish Museum Berlin can continue its important work.

Visitors to the Jewish Museum look at paintings.

Do you want to get involved? Then let's become FRIENDS!

Landing Page
FRIENDS OF THE JMB: Overview of the friends’ association of the Jewish Museum Berlin
Become a Member: Experience the JMB up close with FRIENDS
Donate: Support important projects with your donation
Cultural Program: Experience the JMB up close with FRIENDS
Corporate Membership: Advocate for an open society by supporting the JMB
Prize for Understanding and Tolerance: Every year, the JMB and the FRIENDS honor exceptional individuals for their engagement
See also
Support: Other ways to help the JMB

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