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Preview of Children’s Program and Guided Tours from July to September 2013

Press Information

Press Release, Mon 24 Jun 2013

The Jewish Museum Berlin has a varied vacation program on offer for children staying in Berlin over the vacation – the summer vacation camp this year is all about storytelling. Under the open sky, in tents under cherry trees, on the Children’s Island, and in the workshop, there are a whole lot of things waiting to be discovered on four consecutive days.

Visitors great and small can enjoy a diverse program in the Museum Garden, in the permanent exhibition, and for the first time also in the Jewish Museum Berlin Academy at our summer party on 4 August.


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Jewish Museum Berlin Foundation
Lindenstraße 9–14
10969 Berlin

Summer Vacation Program

1 to 29 July

Alis wunderbarer Weg – Ali’nin gizemli yolu (Ali’s wonderful path)

Reading and Tour through the Permanent Exhibition for Children from 5 to 9 Years

"Where is God if you can’t see him?" is the philosophical question posed by Ali in the German-Turkish picture book "Alis wunderbarer Weg." During the reading, fairytale illustrations are projected onto the wall. In the brief tour through the permanent exhibition that follows, the children discover the very different ways that people try to reach out to God.

The reading can be bilingual (German and Turkish) on request.

Cost: 3 euros

When: Mondays at 11 am

Duration: 1,5 hours

Bookings on tel. +49 (0)30 259 93 322 or

Summer Vacation Camp

When: 2 to 5 July / 9 to 12 July / 30 July to 2 August

2, 9, 30 July

Day 1: Raise the Curtain for the Kamishibai!

Japanese Storytelling Theater Workshop for Children from 8 to 12 Years

Kami-shibai (translation: paper-theater) stems from Japan and is a special form of storytelling for the children to explore. In tents in the Museum Garden, the group will look at special children’s books and test their storytelling talents. With the Kamishibai frame they build themselves and the pictures they paint, they will then artfully illustrate the story of the book and present it to their audience.

When: 10 am to 5 pm

3, 10, 31. July

Day 2: Spinning Yarns

Theater Workshop for Children from 8 to 12 Years

In our holiday tents, mysterious items have surfaced. They belong to individuals who the children have not heard of yet. Who were these people and how did they live?

On a guided tour, they go on the trail of these unknown people and continue to weave the story of their lives. Making use of homemade costumes and props, the children slip into the roles of the characters of the story and unpack their acting talent on the theater stage in the Museum Garden.

When: 10 am to 5 pm

4 and 5 July, 11 and 12 July, 1 and 2 August

Days 3 and 4: Sound Kitchen

Two-day Acoustic Workshop for Children from 8 to 12 years

First day:

Ears sometimes see more than eyes. Following a ‘sound stroll’ through the museum, the children will make sounds with various things and have the others guessing what those things are. Then they will hear a poem in several languages and will transform what they have heard into images. By the end of the first workshop day, they will have produced their own trick animation and be amazed at the pictures that can arise from a poem.

Second day:

The sound of a human heartbeat can be made with a normal towel. This and other such recipes will be revealed in the Sound Kitchen on the 2nd day. With expert training in the world of sounds, they will then put sounds to their trick animation from the previous day with the aid of a computer program. Parents and friends are welcome to attend the film première in the afternoon.

When: 10 am to 5 pm

Cost: 15 € for a day ticket incl. admission fee, lunch, and materials

(Workshops can be booked individually)

"Sound Kitchen" is a two-day package, so single days cannot be booked. This two-day workshop costs 30 € including materials, admission fee and lunch for two days.

Summer camp ticket for all four days: 55 € including materials, admission fee and lunch

Bookings on tel. +49 (0)30 259 93 437 or

4 August: Summer Party

The Jewish Museum Berlin summer party has an all-day children’s program in the garden including T-shirt workshop ("My Name in Hebrew"), bouncy castle, face painting, and matzah bread baking. The varied stage program boasts concerts, a knowledge quiz, and a fire-breathing clown for our young visitors.

Free admission (to the garden program)

Public Tours for Children and Adults at the Summer Party

11 am: Jewish Life, Jewish Traditions

11 am: Halakah and Braided Bread (children’s tour)

12 pm: Architectural Tour

1 pm: Curator Tour on Bedrich Fritta

2 pm: The Whole Truth

3 pm: Curator Tour on Bedrich Fritta

4 pm: Architectural Tour

On the day of the summer party, tours are included in the museum ticket price.

Please gather at the "Meeting Point" in the foyer on ground level of the Old Building

Visitor bookings and information on tours on tel. +49 (0)30 259 93 305 or

Public Tours for Children

7 July, 4 August, 1 September (Sundays):

Halakah and Braided Bread – What goes into the Shabbat Basket?

Children’s Tour through the Permanent Exhibition

How did a Jewish merchant live 300 years ago? What did she pack in her suitcase when she went traveling? A prayer book, clothes, or even a mobile phone? On this stroll through the exhibition, our young visitors take a playful look at Jewish traditions and how they have changed in the course of the centuries. They have fun experiencing how it feels to wear a kippah, admire a real scroll, and sniff a besamim box full of spices.

Time: 11 am

Duration: approx. 1 hour

Cost: 3 euros

21 July, 18 August, 15 September (Sundays)

The Crazy Crooked House

Daniel Libeskind for Children

Why are the walls at the Jewish Museum Berlin at a slant? Why does a staircase lead to nowhere? Why don’t flowers blossom in the garden? Tailored to their age group, our young visitors receive a fun introduction to the architecture of Daniel Libeskind. Afterwards they can create their very own crazy fantasy house with cardboard, modeling clay, and other handcraft materials.

Time: 11 am

Duration: approx. 2 hrs

Cost: 3 euros

Public Tours for Adults


11 am: Jewish Life and Traditions

3 pm: Through the Museum in Seven League Boots

The museum is closed on 14 September (Yom Kippur)


11 am: Jewish Life and Traditions

2 pm: The Whole Truth (during the exhibition running time July - August)

3 pm: Reactions of German Jews to Nazism (This tour will not be held on 4 August)

Duration: approx. 1 hour

Cost: 3 € plus admission fee

Please gather at the "Meeting Point" in the foyer on ground level of the Old Building

Further information and tour bookings on tel. +49 (0)30 259 93 305 or

All tours are in German unless stated otherwise.

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