Berlin Transit
Exhibition Catalog
The catalog takes a close look at artworks, documents, books, photos and objects that testify to the diverse experiences of Eastern European Jews in Weimar-era Berlin. Drawing on their wide social networks and fluency in many languages, the immigrants – most of them refugees from war, pogroms, or revolution – shaped the city culturally and socially, though much of their activity is absent from Berlin’s cultural memory.
Ten essays describe their points of departure and their legal situations as well as critically analyze some of the better-known photos from the Scheunenviertel district.
Details & Excerpt
- Berlin Transit. Jüdische Migranten aus Osteuropa in den 1920er Jahren
(Berlin Transit. Jewish Immigrants from Eastern Europe in the 1920s)
160 pages with 150 color illustrations
Wallstein Publishing
Göttingen 2012
ISBN: 978-3-8353-1087-2
In German only - Editor Jewish Museum Berlin
- Contributing Writers Inka Bertz, Michael Bienert, Tobias Brinkmann, Verena Dohrn, Miriam Goldmann, Maren Krüger, Michael Mayer, Jascha Nemtsov, Fabian Schnedler, Jochen Oltmer, Ulrike Pilarczyk, Anne-Christin Saß, Karl Schlögel, Fabian Schnedler, Sigalit Meidler-Waks
- Design chezweitz & partner
- Price 24.90 €
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