R.B. Kitaj (1932–2007)
Exhibition Catalog
In addition to large color reproductions of around 150 exhibited artworks, this catalog presents numerous images and documents that illustrate R. B. Kitaj’s working method and inspirations. All of these items stem from the artist’s estate. Elaborately designed fold-out pages provide analyses of important paintings, and eight essays explore the life, oeuvre, and relevance of a painter who has unjustly fallen into obscurity today.
Details & Excerpts
- Obssessions. R.B. Kitaj (1932–2007)
264 pages
with numerous color illustrations and 5 fold-out pages
Hardcover, half-linen
Kerber Verlag
Bielefeld and Berlin 2012
ISBN: 978-3-86678-731-5
English - Editors Cilly Kugelmann, Eckart Gillen, Hubertus Gaßner
- Contributing Writers Tracy Bartley, Inka Bertz, Edward Chaney, Martin Roman Deppner, Michal Friedlander, Hubertus Gaßner, Eckart Gillen,Cilly Kugelmann, Richard Morphet, David N. Myers
- Translations Michael Ebmeyer, Jeremy Gains, Petra Gains,Johann Christoph Maass
- Design e o t . essays on typography
- Price
34 € (at the museum shop)
48 € (regular bookstore price)
Table of contents
Download (PDF / 25.8 KB / in English)Gallery of Character Types
Download (PDF / 1.95 MB / in English)“Will I be the Herzl (or Ahad Ha'am) of a nu [!] Jewish Art???”
R.B. Kitaj's Manifestos of Diasporism by Inka Bertz
Download (PDF / 81.69 KB / in English)You can order this publication from a bookstore, or from the museum by contacting
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