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Choir in the Museum – Free and Indoors

Pop-up Concert by the Rundfunkchor Berlin

Members of the Rundfunkchore Berlin, dressed in black, standing in front of the Haus des Rundfunk building.

photo: Rundfunkchor Berlin

In celebration of its 100th anniversary, the Rundfunkchor Berlin has prepared a special event: Under the banner “free and indoors,” the choir will be giving a pop-up concert in four different museums on Museum Sunday on 1 September. The JMB is one of them! The short concert program will be a musical surprise, only to be revealed on site. Get excited for an inspiring musical experience in the Glass Courtyard – free and indoors!

vergangene Veranstaltung

Map with all buildings that belong to the Jewish Museum Berlin. The Old Building is marked in green


Old Building, ground level, Glass Courtyard
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin

Where, when, what?

  • WhenSun, 1. Sep 2024, 4 pm
  • Duration20 minutes
  • Where Old Building, ground level, Glass Courtyard
    Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
    See location on map
  • Entry fee


  • Please noteThis event is part of the Museum Sunday. Find more information on our website.

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