THE WORD. The Significance of Words in Judaism
A family work shop for FRIENDS OF THE JMB

Do you like stories? In ANOHA, you can even walk through the story of Noah’s Ark. Here, letters become raindrops, and words puddles.
Past event
ANOHA – the Children’s World of the Jewish Museum Berlin
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin (Opposite the Museum)
In this family workshop, you’ll learn about all the other things you can do with words and what they mean. While visiting the core exhibition of the JMB, you can view a real Torah scroll that contains the story of Noah’s Ark. Children will also learn about other languages, lettering and sounds.

Do you want to get involved? Then let's become FRIENDS!
- Landing Page
- FRIENDS OF THE JMB: Overview of the friends’ association of the Jewish Museum Berlin
- Become a Member: Experience the JMB up close with FRIENDS
- Donate: Support important projects with your donation
- Cultural Program: Experience the JMB up close with FRIENDS
- Corporate Membership: Advocate for an open society by supporting the JMB
- Prize for Understanding and Tolerance: Every year, the JMB and the FRIENDS honor exceptional individuals for their engagement
- See also
- Support: Other ways to help the JMB