Old Rituals, New Customs
Museum employees talk about traditions on Jewish holidays.
Across Mannheim in the Matzo-Mobile
David Studniberg about the great feeling to support others during the corona crisis
Apr 2020 -
Hanukkah Lasts Eight Days...
and for each day, we’ve got a little treat for you here (including some information about Chrismukkah)
Online Feature
2017/20 -
The Big Clean-Up
Dana Akrish on Passover in Jerusalem
2018 -
Quite “best practice”
Tom Chai Sosnik celebrated his coming out as transgender in spring 2015 with remarkable aplomb – in a ceremony performed by Rabbi Tsipi Gabai at a Jewish school in California, supported by his family.
2017 -
A Kind of Family Gathering
Bitter Herbs and Their Relatives in the Diaspora Garden
2017 -
“8 Facts” about Hanukkah
David Studniberg on the Jewish Feast of Dedication
2016 -
A Small Window onto History
Aubrey Pomerance, Head of Archives, on a newly acquired Passover Haggadah and its previous owners in Kreuzberg
Behind the Scenes
2014/2016 -
Kol Nidre and the “Civil Improvement of the Jews”
Haim Mahlev on controversies throughout the ages
2015 -
“Clever Esther” – Not Suitable for Children?!
Shlomit Tripp reports about her child-oriented retelling of the Esther story
2015 -
“If I were a rich mouse ...”
Michal Friedlander on Mickey, Minnie and their Hanukkah message
2015 -
In the Sleeping Car with Ten Hand-puppets and a Travel Hanukkah Candelabrum
Shlomit Tripp on her Hanukkah with the bubales family
2015 -
“Go down Moses” and an Orange on the Seder Plate
Cilly Kugelmann on old and new customs for Passover
2013 -
Apples in Honey and Gefilte Fish
Museum employees share their personal experiences of the High Holidays
2013 -
The Long Night of Tikkun
Mirjam Wenzel and Avner Ofrath about what we can learn from loving women
May 2013 -
Menurkeys for Thanksgivukkah?
Food for thought and recipes by Signe Rossbach
2013 -
Tu bi-Shevat Traditions in Israel
Avner Ofrath on trees, fruit, and a breath of New Age
2013 -
New Customs for the New Year
Shlomit Tripp about tashlikh boats and petals on the water
2012 -
Cycling Holiday
Avner Ofrath on Yom Kippur in Israel
2012 -
Jewish Halloween
Naomi Lubrich on candy as a tricky matter for synagogues on Simhat Torah