Man and Beast (1963)
A Film from the Artur Brauner Collection at Our Library

Scene from the movie Man and Beast
CCC Filmkunst
Franz Köhler performs forced labor in the concentration camp at Mauthausen, where his half-brother Willy is one of the SS guards. When liberation by the Red Army is imminent, all the prisoners are to be killed. Franz dares to escape in order to inform the Soviet soldiers of this plan, but he is pursued and shot by his half-brother before reaching the life-saving front line.

W. M. Blumenthal Academy, Library
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin
Postal address: Lindenstraße 9-14, 10969 Berlin
The film about a dramatic escape and pursuit of a concentration camp prisoner begins with a flashback showing the family relationship of the dissimilar brothers from Alsace. The film review board described the German-Yugoslav coproduction as "valuable" and highlighted the performance of leading actor Götz George.
Starring Götz George and Günther Ungeheuer. Directed by Edwin Zbonek.
Film Collection: Artur Brauner Collection (21)