From Hell to Hell (1997)
A Film from the Artur Brauner Collection at Our Library
Shortly before her deportation, the Polish Jew Helena entrusts her daughter Fela to a childless neighbor. When she comes to pick her up after the war, the two women enter into a fierce battle. The conflict between the local Polish population and the Jewish survivors about the return of residential property escalates into a pogrom.
W. M. Blumenthal Academy, Library
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin
Postal address: Lindenstraße 9-14, 10969 Berlin
This German–Belarusian co-production portrays the Kielce Pogrom of 4 July 1946, in which forty-two Jews were murdered. The deadly riots were a clear signal to the Shoah survivors to leave the country. "You are murderers! I hate and despise you!" Fela shouts after her Polish foster mother at the end of the film.
Starring Anja Kling. Directed by Dmitri Astrachan.
Film Collection: Artur Brauner Collection (21)