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German Jews’ Reactions to National Socialism

“The Museum Made Easy:” Bookable Project Days in Plain Language (in German)

The Jewish Museum Berlin’s core exhibition tells the history of German Jews and shows how they live today.

We developed the “Museum Made Easy” project days in collab­oration with young people from the Biesalski School, a special-needs school in Berlin. National Socialism is a difficult topic. We need time for it.

by appointment

Map with all buildings that belong to the Jewish Museum Berlin


Jewish Museum Berlin
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin

Project Days or Project Weeks

  • We re­commend booking 4 project days. 
  • The project days build on each other. 
  • We have enough time to review things and talk to each other. 
  • Project days can be booked consecutively or spread out over a longer period of time. 
  • If you don’t have a lot of time, you can book fewer project days.
  • We work around the wishes and needs of each group.
  • Project days run for 2.5 hours (including a break).  
  • Project days are led by 2 guides.
The picture shows three teenagers, one of them using a wheel chair. They are squeezed in between blocks of concrete and looking upwards.

Jewish Museum Berlin; photo: Francesca Togna

Over­view of a Project Day  

Project days consist of several parts:

  • Part 1: Arrival and introduction 
  • Part 2: Visit to the exhibition 
  • Part 3: Learn about the content through a practi­cal activity

Example of a Project Day and Week

Project Day 1: National Socialism

  • First, you get to know us and the museum’s buildings. Then we talk about the National Socialist era. In the ex­hibition, we look at anti­semitic laws. These are laws against Jewish people.
  • Many Jewish people fled Germany. They went to other countries and looked for a new home there. The countries where they found refuge are called “exile.” In the museum, there is a “Garden of Exile.” We explore this garden and create our own picture of it from photos and text.
  • In between, we take a long break together. Please bring some­thing to eat with you. 

Project Day 2: How did Jewish people react to National Socialism?

  • We review what we did on the first project day. 
  • We have already learned a lot about what it was like for German Jews under the Nazis.
  • On the second project day, we take a look at how Jewish people prepared for emi­gration.
  • We take another long break together. Please bring some­thing to eat with you. 

Project Day 3: Books for Children and Young People

  • The third project day is spent in the Jewish Museum’s library. There, we look for books about the Nazi era.
  • We read books in small groups and present them to each other.
  • We take another long break together. Please bring some­thing to eat with you. 

Project Day 4: The Yellow Star

  • Today we focus on the yellow star. This is a star that Jewish people had to sew onto their clothes. The word “Jew” was written on it. This meant people could see who was Jewish. 
    The star marked the be­ginning of the depor­tations. Deportation means that Jewish men, women and children were taken to concen­tration camps. We show you a series of photos of a depor­tation.
  • We also take a long break on this day. Please bring some­thing to eat with you.
  • We remind our­selves what we did on the previous project days and think about what the history of Jewish people under National Socialism might mean for us today. 
A pair of hands feeling a model of a synagogue

Accessibility at the Jewish Museum Berlin: An overview

General Information
Accessibility at the Jewish Museum Berlin: Directions, visiting the museum, audience-specific
Simple English: Information about the Jewish Museum Berlin and its website in Simple English
Gebärdensprache – Informa­tionen und Ange­bote in Deutscher Gebärden­sprache
Accessibility Statement: Information on areas in which accessibility is still lacking, options for giving feedback, and the arbitration service
Tours & Workshops
JMB App: Including audio tours, German plain language, German Sign Language, optimized for screen readers, features touching instructions for tactile paintings, and audio texts for reading along
Access Program Tours by appointment and with fixed dates

Where, when, what?

  • Whenby appointment
  • Duration3 hours, 1-4 days
  • Where Jewish Museum Berlin
    Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
    See location on map
  • BookingT +49 (0)30 259 93 305 (Mo–Fr, 10 am–4 pm) 
    Please request project weeks at least two months in advance. Individual project days can be booked at shorter notice.

    Cost per group 1 project day: 60 € for school groups, 100 € for groups of adults with reduced rate
    2 project days: 120 € for school groups, 200 € for groups of adults with reduced rate
    3 project days: 180 € for school groups, 300 € for groups of adults with reduced rate
    4 project days: 240 € for school groups, 400 € for groups of adults with reduced rate

    Number of participants: Up to 15 persons

    Languages We offer the project days in German.

    Note“The Museum Made Easy: Project Days about National Socialism” is an inclusive program for adults and school groups (grades 10 to 13) who need a calm atmosphere and plain language.
    They are designed for groups of people with learning disabilities, speech impediments, and motor or psychosocial impairments.

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