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Tevye the Dairyman

Reading with Christian Berkel (audio recording available, in German)

To mark the 100th anniversary of Sholem Alejchem’s death, the actor Christian Berkel will read from the new translation of the book Tevye the Dairyman on 9 July at 6 pm.

Poor in money but rich in daughters, the dairyman Tevye from the shtetl of Anatevka dreams of an existence without hardship. But in the end he stands alone – a refugee among thousands with nothing but his faith in God and his unwavering humor.

recording available

Map with all buildings that belong to the Jewish Museum Berlin. The Old Building is marked in green


Old Building, ground level, Glass Courtyard
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin

Sholem Alejchem established his reputation as one of the greatest tragicomedians of world literature with Tevye the Dairyman. Yiddish story of destiny and at the same time historical portent, the novel belongs to the canon of the modern age. Tevye found worldwide fame with the musical adaptation Anatevka / Fiddler on the roof. Following the reading, Tal Hever-Chybowski, head of the Paris Yiddish Center, and Armin Eidherr, translator of the book, will discuss the significance of the work beyond the shtetl romance.

A cooperation with Manesse Publishers

Portrait Christian Berkel

Audio recording of the reading Tevye the Dairyman with Christian Berkel on 9 July 2016, in German; Jewish Museum Berlin 2016
Photo: Christian Berkel; Julia von Vietinghoff

Where, when, what?

  • When9 Jul 2016
  • Where Old Building, ground level, Glass Courtyard
    Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
    See location on map

Audio Recordings: Listen to Past Museum Events (68)

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