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The Torah scroll

Object Day Düsseldorf: Anna Drosner

“Show us your story!” – Beginning in 2017, the Jewish participants in the Object Days project have answered this invitation by recounting their migration stories.

A woman holds a homemade torah scroll in her hands

Anna Drosner, born in 1948 in Kharkiv, USSR, now Ukraine.
Living in Germany since 1997.
Engineer and teacher.

When I came to Germany, Herbert Rubinstein, head of the Jewish Community of Dusseldorf, asked me to hold a Kabbalat Shabbat. That’s how the Club of Jewish Traditions got started. Today I work in adult education for the community. In order to explain the Torah to the other members, my sister and I made this Torah scroll the year we arrived. She also owns a Torah mantle made of purple velvet. We brought the fabric from Ukraine, wrapped around a vase that belonged to my mother. She died shortly before we immigrated.

Object Days: Dusseldorf (2)

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