The Torah scroll
Object Day Düsseldorf: Anna Drosner
“Show us your story!” – Beginning in 2017, the Jewish participants in the Object Days project have answered this invitation by recounting their migration stories.

Anna Drosner, born in 1948 in Kharkiv, USSR, now Ukraine.
Living in Germany since 1997.
Engineer and teacher.
When I came to Germany, Herbert Rubinstein, head of the Jewish Community of Dusseldorf, asked me to hold a Kabbalat Shabbat. That’s how the Club of Jewish Traditions got started. Today I work in adult education for the community. In order to explain the Torah to the other members, my sister and I made this Torah scroll the year we arrived. She also owns a Torah mantle made of purple velvet. We brought the fabric from Ukraine, wrapped around a vase that belonged to my mother. She died shortly before we immigrated.
Object Days: Dusseldorf (2)