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After 1945

Guided Tour

This tour presents the core exhibition with a focus on the historical epoch room After 1945.

Exploring the museum building’s iconic architecture is part of the exhibition tour.

Past event

Map with all buildings that belong to the Jewish Museum Berlin


Jewish Museum Berlin
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin

An approximately 40-metre-long walkway runs through the After 1945 epochal room. Restitution and “reparations,” the triangular relationship between Germany, Israel, and Jews in Germany, the waves of Jewish migration to and from Germany are the dominant themes, as well as Russian-speaking immigration from 1990 onwards.

In a final chorus, Jews speak on 21 monitors about being Jewish in Germany – the images and original soundtracks form a polyphonic chord of Jewish life today.

Interactions with the exhibition allow room for individual exploration of the subject and space for group discussions.

People in front of a space-consuming file shelf

Waiting for Justice: records of compensation cases of lawyer Dietrich Jacob; Leo Baeck Institute, New York, gift of Ruth Jacob, photo: Yves Sucksdorff

Room view with monitors on the wall showing many different people

View of the installation Mesubin by Yael Reuveny and Clemens Walter at the end of the core exhibition; Jewish Museum Berlin, photo: Yves Sucksdorff

Where, when, what?

  • WhenTour by appointment
  • Duration60 or 90 minutes
  • Where Jewish Museum Berlin
    Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
    See location on map
  • Cost per group60 min (without architecture) 35 € for school groups, 50 € for adults reduced rate, 70 € for adults; 90 min (including architecture) 45 € for school groups, 60 € for adults reduced rate, 90 € for adults

    Cost per group from 1 May 202560 min (without architecture) 35 € for school groups, 100 € for adults, 50 € for adults reduced rate; 90 min (including architecture) 45 € for school groups, 150 € for adults, 60 € for adults reduced rate

    Booking requestFor groups we offer guided tours on your desired date. Please contact us at least 4-6 weeks before your desired date for this service.  Booking request

    ContactT +49 (0)30 259 93 305 (Mon–Fri, 10 am–4 pm)

    Number of participants up to 15

    Please noteThis tour is appropriate either for adults or for school groups ages 15 to 19.

    Languages We generally offer this tour in German and English. If you would like to request it to be held in French, Italian, Hebrew, or Simple German, please contact us and we will confirm whether this is possible for your desired date and time.

Tours and Workshops: Lessons and Project Days (14)

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