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Schools and Museums in a Society Shaped by Migration

Conference Held on 13–14 October 2014 to Mark the Completion of the Diversity in Schools Project (video recording available, in German)

The Jewish Museum Berlin organized the conference Schools and Museums in a Society Shaped by Migration for teachers, school social workers, museum staff, and experts in diversity and anti-discrimination.

Past event

Map with all buildings that belong to the Jewish Museum Berlin


Jewish Museum Berlin
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin

We presented the experiences and results of the Diversity in Schools project and several of the museum’s other collaborations with schools. Educators were invited to share ideas with experts on the best way to deal with heterogeneity in schools. We questioned how learning settings and change processes at schools could be structured and reflected on what a non-discriminatory school and museum culture might look like.

Recording of the keynote speech Fond of Difference and Critical of Discrimination: The Challenges Facing Educational Institutions in a Multiethnic Society by Prof. Dr. Paul Mecheril, held at the Jewish Museum Berlin on 14 October 2014, in German


Monday 13 October 2014
from 12 noon Arrival, Snacks, and Registration
12.30-1.30 pm Information Stands – Networking
1-1.30 pm

Words of Welcome

Cilly Kugelmann
Program Director, Jewish Museum Berlin

Anna Davis
Head Regional Office, German Children and Youth Foundation

Katharina Tesmer
Project Manager Mercator Foundation, Essen

Dr. Diana Dressel
Leiterin Bildung, Jüdisches Museum Berlin

1.30-3 pm

Podium Discussion: A Three-Perspective Approach

Zahide Dogaç
Teacher and Intercultural Coordinator, Hamburg

Ibrahim Gülnar
Ostkreuz Mobile Consulting Team, Social Pedagogical Institute, Berlin

Leontine Meijer-van Mensch
Museum of European Cultures – State Museums of Berlin

Dr. Rosa Fava
Jewish Museum Berlin (Moderation)

3–3.45 pm Coffe Break and Information Stands
3.45–5.15 pm


5.15-6.30 pm Snacks and Information Stands
6.30–8 pm

Podium Discussion: How Can Political Leaders and Society Support Intercultural Awareness at Schools?

Özcan Mutlu
Member of the Bundestag for the Green Party, Berlin

Evelin Lubig-Fohsel
Member of the Committee for Migration, Diversity, and Anti-Discrimination of the German Teachers’ Union, Berlin

André Barth
Ernst-Schering-School, Berlin

Dr. Diana Dressel
Jewish Museum Berlin

Dr. Nkechi Madubuko
Moderator and Author, Marburg (Moderator)

Tuesday 14 October 2014
9.30–9.45 am Arrival
9.45–10 am Words of Welcome
10–11 am

Keynote and Discussion: Fond of Difference and Critical of Discrimination: The Challenges Facing Educational Institutions in a Multiethnic Society

Prof. Dr. Paul Mecheril
Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg (Keynote)

Dr. Anja Durdel
German Children and Youth Foundation, Berlin (Moderation)

11–11.30 am Coffee Break and Information Stands
11.30 am–2 pm

World Café: Opportunities, Challenges, and Approaches to Successful Collaboration between Schools and Museums

Jutta Weimar
Moderator for large groups and Process Guide, Berlin (Moderator)

2.30–4 pm


4–5 pm

Reflections on the Conference with Coffee and Bagels

Tanja Petersen
Jewish Museum Berlin

Dr. Anja Durdel
German Children and Youth Foundation, Berlin

Where, when, what?

  • When13 + 14 Oct 2014
  • Where Jewish Museum Berlin
    Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
    See location on map

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