The Soundtrack of Noah’s Ark
Family Workshop for Children Aged 3 to 6 for FRIENDS OF THE JMB (in German)
Pattering rain, roaring waves, animal noises: the story of Noah’s Ark is full of diverse sounds. Listen to the story in a completely different way and sing, listen or try out what the trickle of rain sounds like. What does it sound like when elephants, birds or frogs come onto the ark? While reading the story together, the children can give free rein to their creativity and create a suitable soundtrack using different instruments. Afterwards, we will explore the children's world ANOHA together. A musical hands-on program in which you can sometimes be loud and sometimes quiet.
Sun 2 Feb 2025, 2 pm
ANOHA – the Children’s World of the Jewish Museum Berlin
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin (Opposite the Museum)
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