Opportunities, Challenges, and Approaches to Successful Collaboration between Schools and Museums
Report on the World Café
The panel discussion, which took the form of an interactive dialogue, addressed the specific ways collaboration between schools and museums could be structured in a multiethnic society. In lively debates, the participants applied professional approaches to practical experiences and identified important questions and fields of action. Everyone had a chance to speak and their perspectives were discussed in relation to each other.
Old Building, level 2, Great Hall
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
The World Café was held three times with different panels to ensure a diverse mix of participants, opinions, and perspectives. The first two discussions dealt with the following questions:
- Why do we need diversity-focused education?
- What is meant by the term?
- Who benefits?
The third discussion raised the following questions:
- How do we profit from a process-oriented collaboration between schools and museums?
- How should it be structured to ensure success?
Jutta Weimar moderated the World Café.
Dr. Diana Dressel
Head of Education Department
T +49 (0)30 259 93 515
Conference Documentation: Schools and Museums Conference Working Groups (19)