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Art and Culture in the Terezín Ghetto

Symposium (video recording available, in German)

The symposium explores in four lectures the history of the “exception ghetto” Terezín from four different angles. Wolfgang Benz, Berlin, speaks about Terezín as a place of deception and destruction; Inka Bertz, Berlin, considers the visual artists imprisoned there; Anna Hájková, Coventry, analyzes the ghetto as a place of unequals, and Hanno Loewy, Hohenems, examines the cinematic and photographic propaganda in the Terezín, Warsaw, and Lodz ghettos.

recording available

Map with all buildings that belong to the Jewish Museum Berlin. The Old Building is marked in green


Old Building, level 2, Great Hall
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin


  • 11 am: Terezín - A Story of Deception and Destruction Wolfgang Benz, Berlin
  • 12 pm: Jeunesse Dorée of the Holocaust - The Ghetto as a Society of Unequals Anna Hájková, Coventry
  • 1 pm: Lunch
  • 2 pm: Drawing in Terezín Inka Bertz
  • 3 pm: Ghetto and Propaganda or: How Differently can you Portray Hell? A Reflection on Terezín, Warsaw, and Lodz in Nazi Media Hanno Loewy, Hohenems
  • 4.30 pm: Reception

Recording of the presentation “Terezín - A Story of Deception and Destruction” by Wolfgang Benz, in German; Jewish Museum Berlin

Recording of the presentation “Jeunesse Dorée of the Holocaust - The Ghetto as a Society of Unequals” by Anna Hájková, in German; Jewish Museum Berlin

Recording of the presentation “Ghetto and Propaganda or: How Differently can you Portray Hell? A Reflection on Terezín, Warsaw, and Lodz in Nazi Media” by Hanno Loewy, in German; Jewish Museum Berlin

Where, when, what?

  • When2 Mar 2014
  • Where Old Building, level 2, Great Hall
    Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
    See location on map

Video Recordings: Watch Past Museum Events (79)

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