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Time of Crisis

On the significance of the past for the policies of different European countries in the current crises - Panel Discussion (video recording available, in German)

Poster with letters "Crisis"

Panel discussion “Time of Crisis – On the significance of the past for the policies of different European countries in the current crises”; CC BY-ND 2.0: Neil Cummings

Flight has become reality for over 60 million people worldwide in the 21st century. Hundreds of thousands sought refuge in the European Union in the summer of 2015. Less than 12 months elapsed between German “we can do it” optimism and the assessment that migration from war and crisis zones is an attack on the EU’s external borders.

Map with all buildings that belong to the Jewish Museum Berlin. The Old Building is marked in green


Old Building, ground level, Glass Courtyard
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin

Recording of the panel discussion “Time of Crisis - On the significance of the past for the policies of different European countries in the current crises” on 7 September 2016, in German; Jewish Museum Berlin

To date, there is no consensus on European asylum policy. On the contrary, the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine, the ongoing € debt crisis, Great Britain’s wish to leave the European Union, the crisis in Turkey, the threat of the “Islamic State” in Syria and Iraq and the terrorist attacks in European cities are confronting Europe with an endurance test with an uncertain outcome. In this context, the issue arises of European countries’ reactions to Germany’s stance – which is perceived as dominant – in the debate on European and refugee policy. Discussion about sustainable policy is often conducted with recourse to history. The panel discussion will focus on the significance of the past for the European countries’ present policy in the face of current problems including flight and migration movements in the EU.

The Jewish Museum Berlin hosts this discussion of the following questions with international guests: How was the so-called refugee crisis discussed last year and how today in Germany, Poland, France, and the UK? And which historical references are made? Which memories of flight and expulsion are still in existence and are there renewed fears about Germany’s claim to European leadership?

With: Dan Diner, Adam Michnik, Dietmar Herz, Étienne François, and Hans Kundnani

Moderation: Ines Pohl - Correspondent Deutsche Welle, Washington

Where, when, what?

  • When7 Sep 2016
  • Where Old Building, ground level, Glass Courtyard
    Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
    See location on map

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