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In Two Worlds

Eyewitness talk with Jack Weil (in German)

Jack Weil, born in Amsterdam in 1949, is a witness of the second generation: His German-born parents emigrated to the Netherlands with their respective spouses before the start of the war and were deported in 1944, one from Westerbork to Bergen-Belsen , the other via Theresienstadt to Auschwitz.

Past event

Map with all buildings that belong to the Jewish Museum Berlin. The W. M. Blumenthal Academy is marked in green


W. M. Blumenthal Academy,
Klaus Mangold Auditorium
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin
(Opposite the Museum)

They returned alone and married in 1948. Jack Weil grew up with two languages and in two cultures: post-war Holland and the bygone culture of his German-Jewish parents became the two worlds that shaped him.

After a successful career in finance, Jack Weil founded the Amsterdam Jewish Film Festival in 2001, which he directed for ten years. In 2014, he initiated a coffee and cake society that organizes a meeting of descendants of German-Jewish refugees four times a year.

With the support of Berliner Sparkasse

Black and white photo of a toddler in leather pants, next to him kneels a woman in skirt and blouse, in the background a house and many plants.

Jack Weil with his mother; photo: Private 

Where, when, what?

  • WhenMon 10 Mar 2025, 7 pm
  • Where W. M. Blumenthal Academy,
    Klaus Mangold Auditorium
    Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin
    (Opposite the Museum)
    See location on map
  • Entry fee

    Free of charge

Event Series: Eyewitness Talks (16)

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