Living with Islamophobia
International Conference (video recording available, in English and German)
The W. Michael Blumenthal Academy of the Jewish Museum Berlin, the Berlin Institute for Integration and Migration Research (BIM) at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Alice Salomon University Berlin, in cooperation with the Council on Migration and the University of Salzburg, organized the two-day international conference Living with Islamophobia in Berlin.
recording available

Old Building, ground level, Glass Courtyard
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
Video Recordings of the Conference Living with Islamophobia
Opening remarks: Signe Rossbach, Werner Schiffauer, and Iman Attia and Keynote: Meyda Yeğenoğlu; Jewish Museum Berlin 2018
Panel 1: Processes of Racialization with Jen’ nan G. Read, Junaid Rana, and Nasar Meer; moderators: Léontine Meijer-van Mensch and Hafssa El-Bouhamouchi; with opening remarks by Léontine Meijer-van Mensch, Naika Foroutan, and Iman Attia; Jewish Museum Berlin 2018
Panel 2: Securitization and Sexualisation with Moustafa Bayoumi and Jasmin Zine; moderators: Ozan Zakariya Keskinkiliç and Saboura Manpreet Naqshband; Jewish Museum Berlin 2018
Panel 3: Counter Strategies and Empowerment with James Carr, Deepa Kumar, and Salman Sayyid; moderator: Kübra Gümüşay; Jewish Museum Berlin 2018
The establishment of the German right-wing party AfD (Alternative for Germany) as a parliamentary party in Germany marks a turning point in German post-war history. Similar to its European neighbors Germany is equally registering a harsh tone in debates on national security surrounding asylum and migration policies. Demands of border control, the (re-) installment of a refugee quota and deportations are all part of a rhetoric highlighting the fear of a “clash of civilizations” as well as an “Islamization” of Europe. Discourses on the “infiltration” and the alienation of Europe’s citizens fall on fertile ground. Muslims and those labelled as Muslims particularly experience institutional and structural segregation through everyday hostility. Studies on islamophobia, anti-Muslim racism have not yet fully started with incorporating experiences of discrimination, practices of quotidian resistance, counter-narratives and – movements.
The conference Living with Islamophobia put an emphasis on the perspective of those affected by it and their way of dealing with Islamophobia and anti-Mulism racism. This two-day conference therefore particularly focussed on transnational perspectives and bringing an international scientific state of the art together. It looked at processes of racialization along the categories of culture and religion, at themes of securitization as well as the role of sexuality and gender. At the same it looked at counter strategies and strategies of empowerment. While this conference was open to all, it particularly invited an expert audience in order to trigger an interdisciplinary and transnational exchange.
Thu, 11 Oct 2018
6 pm |
WelcomeSigne Rossbach |
6.15 pm |
KeynoteMeyda Yeğenoğlu |
7 pm |
Panel Discussion: Living with Islamophobia – International Perspectives and Counter StrategiesNina Mühe |
8.30 pm |
Reception |
Fri, 12 Oct 2018
9 am |
WelcomeLéontine Meijer-van Mensch |
9.15 am |
Processes of RacializationJen’ nan G. Read |
11.15 am | Coffee break |
11.30 am |
Securitization and SexualisationMoustafa Bayoumi |
1.30 pm | Lunch |
2.30 pm |
Counter Strategies and EmpowermentJames Carr |
4.30 pm | Coffee break |
5 pm |
German PerspectivesGerman with simultaneous translation in English Iman Attia |
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