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Hanukkah at the JMB

Shtetl Berlin All-Star Concert: Light in the Darkness (video recording available)

A man and a woman making music

For many years now, the Chanukka concerts of the Shtetl Berlin Yiddish Festival (formerly known as Shtetl Neukölln) and the Jewish Musem Berlin send out a ray of light in the dark Berlin winter. In this special event, we present some of the brightest stars of the Berlin Yiddish Music Scene.

recording available



Recording of the livestream on 12 Dec 2020; Jewish Museum Berlin 2020

Especially this year, as the corona pandemic is still raging in the world, this group of artists comes together to remind their online spectators about the sense of community, bring everybody together to enjoy the Festival of Lights and togetherness through Yiddish Song, instrumental music and dance.

Hetty Berg, director of the Jewish Museum Berlin, will join the musicians for the candle lighting.


Alan Bern

Christian Dawid

Craig Judelman

Daniel Kahn

Yeva Lapsker

Sasha Lurje

Sanne Möricke

Sayumi Yoshida

... and many others

Hanukkah candelabra with two burning candles.

Hanukkah candelabra in the Glass Courtyard of the Jewish Museum Berlin; Jewish Museum Berlin, photo: Jule Roehr

Where, when, what?

Video Recordings: Watch Past Museum Events (79)

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