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Ongoing Struggles. Anti-Discrimination Work during the Rise of the Far Right

Academic Conference (video recording the opening session available)

Black and white photograph of a group of Black Lives Matter demonstrators.

Photo: Roscoe Myrick,, via Flickr [CC BY 2.0]

Right-wing populist movements dismiss equal opportunity and access to societal resources for marginalized communities at full throttle. Instead, they propagate giving preference to groups constructed as native, cementing systemic inequality, and reinforcing dynamics of institutional racism.

recording available

Map with all buildings that belong to the Jewish Museum Berlin. The W. M. Blumenthal Academy is marked in green


W. M. Blumenthal Academy,
Klaus Mangold Auditorium
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin
(Opposite the Museum)

About the Conference

The conference Ongoing Struggles: Anti-Discrimination Work during the Rise of the Far Right examined developments both in Germany and in other countries and discussed possible counterstrategies: What are the most vital measures to counter structural discrimination and inequality today? What are the particular challenges faced by those active in civil society and politics? And what are the parallels between the German context and others, such as that of the Trump presidency in the USA?

Evening Event: Keynote, Comment, and Podium Discussion

Keynote: Imani Perry “What Lies Underneath: Difficult Histories and the Resurgence of The Far Right”

In her keynote speech, Professor Imani Perry (Princeton University) examined how ideologies that developed in the age of empire are central to the resurgence of the far right in the USA. Perry also presented the US-American Black Lives Matter movement and its struggles for equal rights and against racism. Afterwards, she discussed the contours of an effective equality policy with Juliane Seifert (State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth), Dr. Emilia Roig (Center for Intersectional Justice, Berlin), and Dr. Aleksandra Lewicki (University of Sussex). Moderator: Christine Watty.

Video Recording of the Opening Session; 7 June 2018; Jewish Museum 2018


Please note that the conference will be held at two different locations.

Thursday, 7 June 2018

W. Michael Blumenthal Academy, Jewish Museum Berlin, Hall
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1
10969 Berlin
7 pm


Dr. Yasemin Shooman

Academy Programs of the Jewish Museum Berlin

7.10 pm


What Lies Underneath: Difficult Histories and the Resurgence of The Far Right

Prof. Imani Perry

Princeton University

7.40 pm


Anchoring Anti-discrimination, Strengthening Cohesion - The Next Steps in Germany

Juliane Seifert

State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

7.50 pm

Panel Discussion

(Inter)national Anti-discrimination Work - Taking Stock and Looking Ahead

Juliane Seifert

State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

Prof. Imani Perry

Princeton University

Dr. Emilia Roig

Center for Intersectional Justice (CIJ)

Dr. Aleksandra Lewicki

University of Sussex

Moderator: Christine Watty


9 pm

Conclusion of the Event

Black Lives Matter

More on Wikipedia

Professor Imani Perry

To the Princeton webseite

Friday, 8 June 2018

Hiroshimastraße 17, Haus 1
10785 Berlin
9 am


Dr. Dietmar Molthagen

Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Forum Berlin

9.10 am


Using Equal Rights to Fight the Right – Reports from the Real World

Effective anti-discrimination work targets structural inequality, raises public awareness, and creates a space for the self-empowerment of the affected people. Given the rightward shift in society, we must identify the new perspectives and the challenges that need to be overcome. What experiences are practical projects having? Where do they see the need for action?

Josephine Apraku

Institute for Discrimination-Free Education

Dilwar Hussain

New Horizons in British Islam

Markus Nierth

Former mayor of the city of Tröglitz

Nadiye Ünsal

Migration Council Berlin-Brandenburg e. V.

Dr. Dietmar Molthagen

Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Forum Berlin

The discussion will be held in English and German with simultaneous interpretation.

10.15 am

Morning Activities: Parallel Workshops

1) Strategic Litigation and Anti-Discrimination Lawsuits

Strategic anti-discrimination lawsuits aim for a progressive interpretation of the law, but how do they differ from other types of lawsuits? What impact have they had on anti-discrimination legislation in Europe so far? And how can an intersectional perspective enrich strategic litigation?

Introduction 1:

Dr. Nahed Samour

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Center for Intersectional Justice (CIJ)

Introduction 2:

Adam Weiss

European Roma Rights Centre


Prof. Dr. Nora Markard

Universität Hamburg

This workshop will be held in English.

2) Impetus from the LGBTI Movement – Building Anti-Discrimination Networks

The LGBTI movements have scored many successes in their fight for legal equality. How have they managed to gain acceptance and strengthen their position in mainstream society and the various minority communities? In what way can their experiences inspire other forms of anti-discrimination work?

Introduction 1:

Jörg Steinert

Lesbian and Gay Federation Berlin – Brandenburg (LSVD)

Introduction 2:

Jouanna Hassoun

Transaidency e. V.


Peggy Piesche

Generation Adefra

This workshop will be held in German.

3) Taking Anti-Discrimination Strategies to the Next Level

The current political climate raises the question of whether anti-discrimination work is particularly endangered today. Are new strategies necessary to fight structural inequality and racism? If so, which ones? Could it be that the rightward shift in society is creating new scope for the self-empowerment and equal participation of the marginalized groups, taking us beyond paternalistic approaches?

Introduction 1:

Miriam Aced

Center for Intersectional Justice (CIJ)

Introduction 2:

Julie Pascoet

European Network Against Racism (ENAR)


Cihan Sinanoglu

Turkish Community of Berlin (TGD)

This workshop will be held in English and German with simultaneous interpretation.

4) A Crash Course in Realpolitik

Political leaders are adopting and strengthening anti-discrimination legislation. How can anti-discriminatory action in civil society be translated into political action? And, conversely, how does the political discourse influence this work? What places of exchange and forms of cooperation between public authorities and civil society have proven successful?

Introduction 1:

Farhad Dilmaghani

Chair of DeutschPlus e. V.

Introduction 2:

Katarina Niewiedzial

Integration Commissioner in Pankow, Berlin


Paulina Fröhlich

Das Progressive Zentrum

This workshop will be held in German.

12 noon


1 pm

Afternoon Activities: Parallel Workshops

Repetition of the Morning Workshops
1) Strategic Litigation and Anti-Discrimination Lawsuits

2) Impetus from the LGBTI Movement – Building Anti-Discrimination Networks

3) Taking Anti-Discrimination Strategies to the Next Level

4) A Crash Course in Realpolitik

2.45 pm

Coffee Break

3 pm

Commentary: What’s Next?

Bernhard Franke

Deputy Head, Federal Anti-Discrimination Office

3.15 pm

Final Discussion

Working Together for More Participatory Opportunities and Legal Equality: Next Steps

Bernhard Franke

Deputy Head, Federal Anti-Discrimination Office

Dr. Emilia Roig

Center for Intersectional Justice (CIJ)

Dr. Yasemin Shooman

Academy Program of the Jewish Museum Berlin


Dr. Dietmar Molthagen

Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Forum Berlin

The final discussion will be held in English and German with simultaneous interpretation.

4 pm

End of the conference


In collaboration with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the Center for Intersectional Justice (CIJ).

Friedrich Ebert Foundation

To the website (in German)

Center for Intersectional Justice

To the website

Where, when, what?

  • When7 Jun 2018
  • Where W. M. Blumenthal Academy,
    Klaus Mangold Auditorium
    Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin
    (Opposite the Museum)
    See location on map

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