About a Tea Bowl –
Interwoven Experiences of Post-Soviet Jewish Migration
Discussion with Brief Presentations (video recording available, in German)
Since the 1990s, Jews from the Asian part of the former Soviet Union have been immigrating to Germany. Generally referred to as “Russian-Jewish contingent refugees,” little is known about their specific experiences in countries of origin such as Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, or Tajikistan.
In a panel discussion, we will reflect upon the question how Soviet colonialism has determined the lives of Jews in Central Asia. Taking everyday objects like a tea bowl as a starting point, we are aiming to reconstruct the interwoven experiences of (ex-)Soviet minorities then and now and trace the emergence of Jewish and post-Soviet diasporas.
recording available

W. M. Blumenthal Academy,
Klaus Mangold Auditorium
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin
(Opposite the Museum)
Video recording of the event on 27 November 2019, in German; Jewish Museum Berlin, 2019
Darja Klingenberg (European University Viadrina Frankfurt Oder), Tsypylma Darieva (Center for Eastern European and International Studies, Berlin), and Miriam Goldmann (Jewish Museum Berlin) will give introductory keynotes and then discuss on the panel.
Chair: Alina Gromova (Jewish Museum Berlin)
The event takes place as part of the exhibition A Is for Jewish and is part of the online project Future Memories. Commemoration Cultures of the Migration Society (in German).
Darja Klingenberg
Darja Klingenberg is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department for Comparative Cultural and Social Anthropology at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). Her academic expertise lies in the sociology of migration and gender studies, in particular post-Soviet migration to Western Europe, including Russian-speaking Jewish diasporas. Further research interests are racism research and feminist theories, as well as biographical research and qualitative methods in the social sciences. Her doctoral thesis will be published at the end of 2019 under the title Dwelling after Migration: Materialism, Hope and Melancholia of Russian Speaking Migrant Middle Classes by Campus Publishers.
Dr. Tsypylma Darieva
Dr. Tsypylma Darieva is a social anthropologist and has been a research fellow at the Center for Eastern European and International Studies (ZOiS) since 2017. She is an associate member of the Institute of Slavic Studies and Caucasus Studies at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena and a board member of the Berlin Center for Independent Social Research. Darieva received her doctorate from the Humboldt University of Berlin with her thesis Russkij Berlin. Migrants and Media in Berlin and London, which was published in 2004. She was Associate Professor at the University of Tsuskuba in Japan, Department of International Area Studies from 2010 to 2013. At ZOiS, Darieva is developing a research project on the transformation of urban spaces and religious pluralization in South Eurasian metropolises. She is co-editor of the anthology Sacred Places, Emerging Spaces. Religious Pluralism in the Post-Soviet Caucasus, 2018.
Miriam Goldmann
Miriam Goldmann is curator of the exhibition A Is for Jewish – Journeys through Now in 22 Letters. She studied Jewish Studies in Freiburg, at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and at the Free University Berlin. Since 1999, she has worked as a researcher and exhibition curator at the Jewish Museum Berlin. She has curated several exhibitions comparing culture and religion including Cherchez la femme. Wig, Burqa, Wimple in 2017, The Whole Truth... Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Jews in 2013, Berlin Transit in 2012, Kosher & Co.: On Food and Religion in 2009/2010 and typical! in 2008. Goldman was also project manager of the exhibitions A Time for Everything in 2013/2014 and The Creation of the World. Illustrated Manuscripts from the Braginsky Collection in 2014.
Video Recordings: Watch Past Museum Events (79)
Academy Programs: Past Events for You to Listen To and Watch 2011–2019 (40)